You are shopping with your cousin, and your shoulder brushes against a vase and knocks it over, causing it to break into many tiny pieces. The store manager walks over and asks what happened. What do you do?

Claim responsibility for breaking the vase and offer to pay for it.
Admit to knocking the vase over but say that you were pushed.
Blame the broken vase on your cousin.
You are applying to your dream job for which you are very underqualified. What do you do?

Include all of your qualifications but be as honest as possible.
Embellish your resume by adding small details that make you sound more impressive.
Add an impressive-sounding job title at a company where you’ve never worked.
You were told something in confidence. Even though you shouldn’t share the information with others, you tell your best friend. Later, the person who trusted you asked if you blabbed. What do you do?

Admit to what you said and genuinely apologize.
Deny that you said anything to protect their feelings.
Tell them that your friend was the one saying hurtful things instead.
You begin taking a test that you are not prepared for. What do you do?

Try to answer the test to the best of your ability.
Take a quick glance at the test of the person next to you and try to gauge what they are writing.
Cheat off the student next to you.
You are shopping at the mall with your best friend. You see her slip an expensive perfume in her purse so you decide to do the same. On your way out, the security guard stops you for questioning. What do you do?

Admit to both you and your best friend stealing and return the perfume to its rightful place.
Tell him that your friend stole but conveniently leave out the part where you stole anything.
Lie and say that neither you nor your friend know anything about the stolen perfume.
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I'm %%personality%%
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